SO THAT IN ORDER THAT IN ORDER TO IN CASE. So that In order that cümle Özne + fiil + nesne Sentence Subject + Verb + Object So that: için in order that:

Benzer bir sunumlar

... konulu sunumlar: "SO THAT IN ORDER THAT IN ORDER TO IN CASE. So that In order that cümle Özne + fiil + nesne Sentence Subject + Verb + Object So that: için in order that:"— Sunum transkripti:


2 So that In order that cümle Özne + fiil + nesne Sentence Subject + Verb + Object So that: için in order that: diye, için, = in order to

3 So that In order that To express PURPOSE or INTENTIONS (amaç) (niyet) She studIES hard IN ORDER THAT she can pass the class. She studIES hard SO THAT she can pass the class. I go there SO THAT I can visit my relatives. I go there IN ORDER THAT I can visit my relatives.

4 SO THAT amaç anlatır “İÇİN” anlamına gelir. I am working hard. (Sıkı çalışıyorum.) I want to pass my exams. (Sınavlarımı geçmek istiyorum.) I am working hard SO THAT I want to pass my exams. (Sınavlarımı geçmek istediğim için sıkı çalışıyorum.)

5 SO THAT amaç anlatır “İÇİN” anlamına gelir. I study my lessons hard. (Derslerime sıkı çalışıyorum.) I want to enter university. (Üniversiteye girmek istiyorum.) I study my lessons hard SO THAT I want to enter university. (Üniversiteye girmek istediğim için derslerime çalışıyorum.)

6 My father saves money. (Babam para biriktiriyor.) He wants to buy a new car. (Yeni bir araba almak istiyor.) SO THAT he wants to buy a new car. (yeni bir araba almak istediği için) My father saves money SO THAT he wants to buy a new car. (Babam yeni bir araba almak istediği için para biriktiriyor.)

7 I put the meat in the refrigerator. (Eti buzdolabına koyarım.) I don’t want it spoil. (Onun bozulmasını istemiyorum.) SO THAT I don’t want it spoil. (Bozulmasını istemediğim için, bozulmasın diye) I put the meat in the refrigerator SO THAT I don’t want it spoil.

8 I am attending a computer course. I want to use my computer. I am attending a computer course SO THAT I want to use my computer efficiently. (Bilgisayarımı verimli kullanmak istediğim için bilgisayar kursuna devam ediyorum.)

9 She will take her umbrella. She doesn’t get wet. SO THAT She doesn’t get wet. (Islanmaması için, ıslanmasın diye) She will take her umbrella SO THAT She doesn’t get wet.

10 In order to yalın fiil Verb (bare infinitive) in order to= … diye

11 I am learning English. I want to find a good job. I am learning English in order to find a good job. I am learning English so that I want to find a good job.

12 I work hard. I can earn more money. I work hard in order to earn more money.

13 You must run to the bus stop. You can catch the bus. You must run to the bus stop in order to catch the bus.

14 Ali swims every day. He want to be healthy. Ali swims every day in order to be healthy.

15 I am learning English. I can read English books. I am learning English in order to read English books.

16 in case cümle Özne + fiil + nesne Sentence Subject + Verb + Object in case: …sa diye

17 I am always with my babies. They can need help. I am always with my babies in case they can need help.

18 I’ll take all of my test books. I will solve them. I take all of my test books in case I will solve them.

19 noun İsim in case of: …sa diye in case of

20 You should keep the windows closed in case of burglary. (Hırsızlık olur diye pencereleri kapalı tutmalısın)

21 Don’ t hesitate to call me in case of emergency !

"SO THAT IN ORDER THAT IN ORDER TO IN CASE. So that In order that cümle Özne + fiil + nesne Sentence Subject + Verb + Object So that: için in order that:" indir ppt
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