cheese olive meal butter Match the words and meanings. 1.fruit 2.vegetable 3.grape 4. pear 5.peach 6.onion 7.carrot 8.lettuce.

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... konulu sunumlar: "cheese olive meal butter Match the words and meanings. 1.fruit 2.vegetable 3.grape 4. pear 5.peach 6.onion 7.carrot 8.lettuce."— Sunum transkripti:











11 cheese


13 olive

14 meal

15 butter

16 Match the words and meanings. 1.fruit 2.vegetable 3.grape 4. pear 5.peach 6.onion 7.carrot 8.lettuce 9.cucumber 10.cheese 11.honey 12.olive 13.meal 1.havuç 2.soğan 3.üzüm 4.armut 5.zeytin 6.bal 7.marul 8.meyve 9.Yemek,öğün 10.salatalık 11.sebze 12.şeftali 13.peynir

17 sugar

18 salt

19 Fruit juice

20 milk

21 tea

22 coffee

23 need

24 Want-would like


26 fry

27 prepare

28 buy

29 sell

30 Match the words and meanings. 1.sugar 2.salt 3.Fruit juice 4.milk 5.tea 7.need 8.Want-would 9.cook 10.fry 11.prepare 13.sell 1.süt 2.kızartmak 3.kahve 4.istemek 5.hazırlamak 6.tuz 7.satmak 8.şeker 9.çay 10. pişirmek 11.İhtiyacı olmak 12.Satın almak 13.Meyve suyu

31 mix

32 A bottle of milk

33 A cup of coffee

34 A jar of jam

35 A can of coke

36 A loaf of bread

37 A piece of cake

38 A slice of cake

39 A packet of biscuits

40 A tube of toothpaste

41 A lot of

42 A few

43 A little

44 Some-any

45 Match the words and meanings. 1.mix 2.A bottle of milk 3.A cup of coffee 4.A jar of jam 5.A can of coke 6.A loaf of bread 7.A slice of cake 8.A piece of cake 9.A packet of biscuits 10.A tube of toothpaste 1.Bir kutu kola 2.Bir paket bisküvi 3.Bir somun ekmek 4.Bir kavanoz reçel 5.Bir dilim kek 6.karıştırmak 7.Bir şişe süt 8.Bir tüp diş macunu 9.Bir fincan kahve 10. bir parça kek

46 Well done! (aferin )


"cheese olive meal butter Match the words and meanings. 1.fruit 2.vegetable 3.grape 4. pear 5.peach 6.onion 7.carrot 8.lettuce." indir ppt
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