There was a man who was thinking of building an honourable structure that could last for milleniums and show the king’s power. So, he racked his brain.

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... konulu sunumlar: "There was a man who was thinking of building an honourable structure that could last for milleniums and show the king’s power. So, he racked his brain."— Sunum transkripti:


2 There was a man who was thinking of building an honourable structure that could last for milleniums and show the king’s power. So, he racked his brain about the project of the structure for days.

3 And eventually, he found out. His idea was building a structure which had 4 outer surfaces that were triangles and also was able to last for milleniums.

4 His solution for this was, putting the stones one on the top of the other, but the heaviest one should have placed in the middle of the structure. 1 11 121

"There was a man who was thinking of building an honourable structure that could last for milleniums and show the king’s power. So, he racked his brain." indir ppt

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