Sunuyu indir
When / While
Süreklilik gösteren/zaman alan fiiller
LONG ACTIONS Süreklilik gösteren/zaman alan fiiller SHORT ACTIONS Anlık/zaman almayan fiiller
Süreklilik gösteren/zaman alan fiiller
LONG ACTIONS: Süreklilik gösteren/zaman alan fiiller Study (v): ders çalışmak “zaman alan, uzun süren bir eylem” Read (v): okumak Sleep (v): uyumak Play (v): oynamak Watch (v): izlemek, seyretmek Wash (v): yıkamak
Anlık/zaman almayan fiiller,
SHORT ACTIONS Anlık/zaman almayan fiiller, Cut (v): kesmek “birden bire,anlık, olup biten, kısa süren bir eylem” Break (v): kırmak Start (v): başlamak Open (v): açmak Fall (v): düşmek Catch (v): yakalamak
WHEN SHORT ACTIONS Anlık, zaman almayan, kısa süren, bir anda olup biten fiiller When + simple past tense “Özne + fiil2 + nesne” V1 V2 Break broke Start started
When: - dığı zaman Cut: kesmek Realise: anlamak Miss: kaçırmak Tear: yırtmak Catch: yakalamak Start: başlamak finish: bitirmek Throw: atmak Fall: düşmek Break: kırmak
When the teacher entered the class,
“Öğretmen sınıfa girdiği zaman,” “Öğretmen sınıfa girdiğinde,”
When he cut his finger, “parmağını kestiği zaman,”
“parmağını kestiğinde,”
When he realised his mistake,
“Hatasını farkettiği zaman,” “Hatasını farkettiğinde,”
When the baby tore the money,
“Bebek parayı yırttığı zaman,” “Bebek parayı yırttığında,”
When they missed the bus,
“Otobüsü kaçırdıkları zaman,” “Otobüsü kaçırdıklarında,”
When you caught the bus, “Otobüse yetiştiğin zaman,”
“Otobüse yetiştiğinde,”
When you started your work,
“İşinize başladığınız zaman,” “İşinize başladığınızda,”
When she closed the door,
“Kapıyı kapattığı zaman,” “Kapıyı kapattığında,”
When she closed the door, I was washing the dishes
When she closed the door, I was washing the dishes. When you started your work, we were driving home. Past continuous tense
When they missed the bus, they took a taxi
When they missed the bus, they took a taxi. When you saw the bus, you started to run. Simple past S + V2 + O
When he realised his mistake, he apologised to them
When he realised his mistake, he apologised to them. When the baby tore the money, we didn’t see it.
When the teacher entered the class,the students were running
When the teacher entered the class,the students were running. When he cut his finger, he was peeling onions.
When + simple past, simple past When he fell, he cut his knee
When + simple past, simple past When he fell, he cut his knee. When + simple past, past continuous When he fell, he was running.
WHILE LONG ACTIONS Süreklilik gösteren / zaman alan fiiller
While + past continuous tense “Özne + was/were fiiling + nesne” V1 V2 read was/were reading play was/were playing
WHILE: -iken, -ken Stduy (v): ders çalışmak Read (v): okumak Sleep (v): uyumak Play (v): oynamak watch (v): seyretmek Süreklilik gösteren / zaman alan fiiller
While my father was reading, While the baby was sleeping,
While we were studying, “Biz ders çalışır(yor)ken,” While my father was reading, “Benim babam kitap okur(yor)ken,” While the baby was sleeping, “Bebek uyur(yor)ken,” While they were playing football, “Onlar top oynarken,”
While we were studying, you were singing songs.
“Biz ders çalışırken, siz şarkı söylüyordunuz.” While my father was reading, my mother was cooking. “Babam okurken, annem yemek pişiriyordu.” While the baby was sleeping, I was sleeping, too. “Bebek uyurken, ben de uyuyordum.” While they were playing football, we were watching them. “Onlar top oynarken, biz onları izliyorduk.”
While they were quarrelling in the car, the accident happened.
Simple past While Esma was washing up the dishes, we were watching television. Past continuous
While she was living in İzmir, she was working in a factory.
“İzmir’de yaşarken, bir fabrikada çalışıyordu.” While I was going to work this morning, I met an old friend. “Bu sabah işe giderken, eski bir arkadaşla karşılaştım.”
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