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1 Dil Teşhisi / 37 Zekeriya Aktürk

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... konulu sunumlar: "1 Dil Teşhisi / 37 Zekeriya Aktürk"— Sunum transkripti:

1 1 Dil Teşhisi / 37 Zekeriya Aktürk

2 / 372

3 Giriş Akupunktur tanı yöntemleri –Anamnez –Dil teşhsi –Nabız teşhisi –Elektro Deteksiyon –İris teşhisi –.. Teşhis modaliteleri birarada kullanılmalıdır! / 373

4 Dilde nelere bakılmalı? Renk Şekil Kıvam Tabaka / 374

5 Dil Haritası ve Meridyenler / 375 Dil üçlü ısıtıcının (T) bölümlerini yansıtır: –Alt Jiao (kısım) Dilin kökü K, B, LI ve SI meridyenlerini temsil eder

6 / 376 –Orta Jiao Dilin kenarları LIV ve GB meridyenlerini temsil eder. Dilin ortası ST ve SP meridyenlerini gösterir.

7 / 377 Üst Jiao Dilin ucu LU ve H meridyenlerini gösterir.

8 / 378 Ayurveda ve Dil:

9 Dilin Rengi Normal dil: pembe, yumuşak, esnek, hafif nemli Soluk dil: soğuk ve yang eksikliği durumu Kırmızı: yin eksikliği, ateş Koyu kırmızı: aşırı ateş Mavi-yeşil veya çok nemli: kan stagnasyonu / 379

10 Dilin Şekli 1.Katlanmış, kaba: ateş-doluluk sendromu, ruh (essence) azalması 2.Hassas, ince: genç. Soğuk etkisi 3.Ödemli: dalak ve mide yang eksikliği 4.İnce, küçük dil: kan ve qi eksikliği. Yin eksikliği ve iç ateş. 5.Yarıklar: kırmızıysa ateş fazlalığı. Alerji. Açık renk ise yin ve kan eksikliği 6.Diş izleri: yang eksikliği, soğuk etkisi 7.Granüler dil: aşırı dış ateş. / 3710

11 Dilin Kıvamı 1.Zayıf, kırılgan: kronik hastalık 2.Sert katı: dış enfeksiyöz ısı 3.Çarpık: inme 4.Kısa, çekmiş: ciddi durumlar 5.Titrek: uzun süren hastalıklar, kan dolaşım bozukluğu, yang qi bozukluğu 6.Dışa sarkmış, huzursuz: kalp veya dalakta ateş / 3711

12 Dildeki Tabakanın rengi Beyaz: soğuk sendromuyla birlikte yüzeysel sendrom (grip gibi) Sarı, kahverengi: iç hastalıklar ve ısı sendromu Kül rengi, siyah: ısı sendromu. Ciddi hastalarda görülür / 3712

13 Dildeki Tabakanın yapısı Ince-kalın: dış-iç hastalık ayırımı Nemli-kuru: nem varsa vücut sıvıları henüz zarar görmemiş demektir Gevşek-yapışkan: gevşekse ısı fazlalığı ve sindirim bozukluğu, yapışkansa aşırı nem birikmesi, yanlış beslenme, şişmanlık Haritamsı: yin eksikliğini gösterir Tabaka yokluğu: mide qi eksikliği / 3713

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16 / 3716

17 Young (2007) Soluk – sık soğuk algınlığı, böbrek/adrenal zayıflığı, eklem problemleri; Kırmızı – ağrı, enflamasyon, irritabl bağırsak, alerjiler; Derin kırmızı – ateşin ileri aşamaları; Mor – dolaşım bozukluğu, prementrüel sendrom, yorgunluk sendromlerı; Dolgun/sarkık/yumuşak – sindirim zayıflığı, ishal, kol/bacak ağrısı; Kırmızı uçlu – stres/dolaşım bozuklukları; Çatlak – dehidrasyon, tükenmişlik, ateş; Dikensi – karaciğer inflamasyonu, vitamin B eksikliği; Titrek – aşırı stres/alkol/tatlı gıdalara bağlı karaciğer dengesizliği / 3717

18 / 3718

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20 / 3720

21 “tongue diagnosis” / 3721

22 Automatic Tongue Diagnosis System / 3722

23 / 3723

24 / 3724

25 / 3725 A snapshot of the computerized tongue diagnosis questionnaire

26 / 3726

27 / 3727 A comparison of intraobserver agreements (kappa values) of the ATDS and TCM doctors Interobserver agreement between the ATDS and TCM doctors

28 Breast Cancer Index: A Perspective on Tongue Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine / 3728 J Tradit Complement Med. 2013 Jul-Sep; 3(3): 194–203.

29 / 3729 J Tradit Complement Med. 2013 Jul-Sep; 3(3): 194–203.

30 / 3730 BACKGROUND: Depression is among the most common neuropsychiatric complications after stroke, having a negative impact on one's quality of life. A number of therapeutic modalities have been used for post-stroke depression (PSD) including traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). However, a lack of objectivity in TCM hampers further improvement in diagnosis and research, since TCM diagnosis is mainly based on subjective judgment of clinicians. In this study, a modern TCM diagnostic device was used to conduct an objective study of pulse and tongue features in PSD patients and healthy individuals. METHODS: A total of 67 volunteers participated. Pulse and tongue information of each participant was acquired and analyzed by the TCM Four Diagnosis Auxiliary Apparatus. Quantitative data were gathered and compared between the PSD group and the healthy group. RESULTS: Higher rates of weak, slow, slippery, and string pulse were observed in the PSD group (p < 0.01), whereas normal pulse (p < 0.01) was detected in the healthy group. In the tongue analysis, higher rates of purple tongue (p < 0.01) with yellow fur (p < 0.01) and pale-pink tongue (p = 0.023) with white fur (p < 0.01) were observed in the PSD and the healthy groups, respectively. Abnormal tongue features (old, soft, thin, enlarged, thorny, and cracked) were detected (p < 0.05) in the PSD group. CONCLUSIONS: Objective and quantitative data of PSD patients and healthy individuals may help providing valuable clinical information for PSD research and establish quantitative TCM diagnostic standards for pulse and tongue diagnosis in clinical practice and research.

31 / 3731

32 / 3732 Tongue diagnosis is an important diagnostic method in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). However, due to its qualitative, subjective and experience-based nature, traditional tongue diagnosis has a very limited application in clinical medicine. Moreover, traditional tongue diagnosis is always concerned with the identification of syndromes rather than with the connection between tongue abnormal appearances and diseases. This is not well understood in Western medicine, thus greatly obstruct its wider use in the world. In this paper, we present a novel computerized tongue inspection method aiming to address these problems. First, two kinds of quantitative features, chromatic and textural measures, are extracted from tongue images by using popular digital image processing techniques. Then, Bayesian networks are employed to model the relationship between these quantitative features and diseases. The effectiveness of the method is tested on a group of 455 patients affected by 13 common diseases as well as other 70 healthy volunteers, and the diagnostic results predicted by the previously trained Bayesian network classifiers are reported.

33 Çeşitli Hastalıklarda Sensitivite (Özgüllük) / 3733

34 / 3734 Kolesistit PankreatitApandisit Intestinal infarction Computerized Tongue Diagnosis Based on Bayesian Networks.

35 Conclusion First, it is not concerned with the identification of syndromes that are very popular in TCM. Instead, it establishes a mapping from quantitative features to diseases. Consequently, the method is actually independent of TCM, except the fact that it is motivated by the art of traditional tongue diagnosis. Second, the underlying validity of our method is based on diagnostic results using Western medicine techniques. The measurements of the chromatic and textural properties of a tongue, which are extracted via image processing procedures, are connected with the corresponding diagnostic results obtained by using Western medicine, instead of the judgment of a TCM doctor. This forms an objective basis of the method and such an approach could expedite its use in clinical applications. / 3735

36 The association between objective tongue color and endoscopic findings / 3736 Kainuma et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2015) 15:372

37 / 3737 a) Example of tongue color from the normal group. Red indicates the tongue edge, green the posterior, blue the middle, and orange the apex. b) Example of tongue color with erosive gastritis only Kainuma et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2015) 15:372

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