Sunum yükleniyor. Lütfen bekleyiniz

Sunum yükleniyor. Lütfen bekleyiniz  1 - the patient's complaint asks the patient taking examination section. 2 - the first stage, his back and his chest stethoscope.

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... konulu sunumlar: "  1 - the patient's complaint asks the patient taking examination section. 2 - the first stage, his back and his chest stethoscope."— Sunum transkripti:


2  1 - the patient's complaint asks the patient taking examination section. 2 - the first stage, his back and his chest stethoscope listens to the patient, the patient's blood pressure gauge 3 - Healthy infants and adults who do not have any diseases that makes vaccines to protect 4 - According to the patient's disease state and specific tests and x-ray shot which examines them 5 - to advise the patients to be healthy again

3  - A person's attorney that the case before accepting the person (his client) listens, believes may be useful to accept the case, - Relevant to the case law, examines the decisions of higher courts, - Makes the case about the extensive research and investigation, - The courts, the various lawsuits filed against his client leads or participates in the proceedings, - The case the court will listen and asks questions about the witnesses,

4 implement measures for the treatment recommended by Doctors. they can apply in case of emergency, such as ex-officio icabeden health officer on the advice of dressings or exclude patients in health institutions under the skin, muscle and blood vessel into the to make into a syringe. Preventive medicine dispensaries and health organizations work assigned to the public sanitary measures, health protection and to apply remedies, and must notify the health care institutions. take measures to combat communicable diseases and to apply. the overall cleanliness of the institution and the patients make patient rooms.

5  1-Technical Tasks 2-Economic Missions 3-Financial Tasks 4-Legal Tasks 5-Social Tasks

6  Animal feeding, breeding, breeding, cultivation, improvement, measures to protect animal health, Animal disease diagnostics, published the medical and surgical treatment are animal diseases,

7  -Develop new or advanced the architectural theories and methods, Check-construction areas, to exchange ideas with customers and make recommendations on other aspects of model construction, -Make the design of the buildings, their construction and rehabilitation to prepare for the detailed drawings and plans, as well as style, cost, schedule, instructions, compliance, etc. matters to ensure the conformity of projects to make the necessary connections; -Function and quality of the buildings interiors to identify and locate the best solutions to their problems, as well as the necessary designs, drawings and plans, to To ensure compliance with the instructions, check-construction;

8  1-law and criminal law proceedings, and the editorial directors of deposit of the tasks that they do the jobs projections 2-file and keep records and uniform silintisiz The minutes of 3-Decision and write with care and avoidance of unsigned 4-write of court cases in accordance with the decision and the warrant, and invitations to send the addresses to which they belong 5-Response criticism warrants do not come

9  Customer's request opens a bank account, the account closes and so on., makes money when transferring to another account, Collection and processing of rebates makes Imports and exports makes brokerage operations, makes buying and selling foreign currencies

10  They are considered and authorized the teach classes, the application and to perform the tests on the lessons they teach, supervise students in the free working hours, Courses outside the school's education, training and participate in administrative affairs, Laws, regulations and orders, determined to do homework,

"  1 - the patient's complaint asks the patient taking examination section. 2 - the first stage, his back and his chest stethoscope." indir ppt

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