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Prof.Dr.Mustafa İnsel 11-3-2015 Eko Gemiler Prof.Dr.Mustafa İnsel 11-3-2015.

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... konulu sunumlar: "Prof.Dr.Mustafa İnsel 11-3-2015 Eko Gemiler Prof.Dr.Mustafa İnsel 11-3-2015."— Sunum transkripti:

1 Prof.Dr.Mustafa İnsel 11-3-2015
Eko Gemiler Prof.Dr.Mustafa İnsel

2 Tanım Eko-Gemi nedir ? Ekonomik gemi ? Ekolojik gemi ? ARGE Dizayn
İnşaat Servis Bakım-Tutum Geri Dönüşüm

3 CO2 Salınımlarının Dağılımı
Uluslar arası deniz ulaştırma Uluslararası hava ulaşımı Toplam: 3.3% Kabotaj denizcilik ve balıkçılık Demiryolları Diğer ulaştırma (karayolu) Elektrik ve ısı üretimi Let me give you an idea of how measures progress through the IMO machinery. Any IMO Member State can propose a new regulation or amendment to existing one. It might arise from an incident, or simply from an idea or technical development. The Member State first puts its proposal to the relevant IMO Committee. The Committee would then discuss the proposal and, if it was considered to have merit, might decide to refer it to a sub-committee for more detailed consideration. For more complex issues, a working group or correspondence group might be established to work on the issue at an even more intense technical level. After appropriate discussion in these fora, a detailed draft – whether it for a new measure, an amendment to an existing measure, a code of practice, guidelines or a circular – is drawn up, ready for consideration and approval at the appropriate level. This explains the process in the simplest of terms. Depending on the complexity of the issue, some measures can be quickly agreed and adopted while others require more time. IMO member states undertake to put into practice the measures they develop and adopt at IMO. That is why the Organization always aims to adopt measures by consensus as this way ensures the widest possible implementation by the member states. Endüstriyel üretim ve inşaat Diğer Diğer enerji endüstrileri MEPC 59/INF.10

4 Taşıtların Karşılaştırması

5 Diğer Emisyonlar

6 Denizcilik Sektörüne Yansıma
Uluslararası denizcilik sektöründe çalışmalar Denizcilik Sektörüne Yansıma Yakıt kalitesi ile SOx emisyonlarının azaltımı Yanma sistemleri ile NOx, emisyonlarının azaltımı Enerji verimliliği tedbirleri ile CO2 emisyonlarının azaltımı

7 Mevzuat Gemilerden hava kirliliğini önleme tedbirleri MARPOL Annex VI
Kabul: 1997 Uygulama: Mayıs 2005 SOx and NOx limitleri Deniz Ulaştırma katkıları Let me give you an idea of how measures progress through the IMO machinery. Any IMO Member State can propose a new regulation or amendment to existing one. It might arise from an incident, or simply from an idea or technical development. The Member State first puts its proposal to the relevant IMO Committee. The Committee would then discuss the proposal and, if it was considered to have merit, might decide to refer it to a sub-committee for more detailed consideration. For more complex issues, a working group or correspondence group might be established to work on the issue at an even more intense technical level. After appropriate discussion in these fora, a detailed draft – whether it for a new measure, an amendment to an existing measure, a code of practice, guidelines or a circular – is drawn up, ready for consideration and approval at the appropriate level. This explains the process in the simplest of terms. Depending on the complexity of the issue, some measures can be quickly agreed and adopted while others require more time. IMO member states undertake to put into practice the measures they develop and adopt at IMO. That is why the Organization always aims to adopt measures by consensus as this way ensures the widest possible implementation by the member states. MARPOL Annex VI Güncellemeri Uygulama: 2013

8 NOx

9 SOx

10 Yakıt-CO2 İlişkisi 3.2 TON CO2 1 TON YAKIT

11 Enerji Verimliliği ve Emisyon Kuralları
IMO-MARPOL Ek VI (MEPC 62, Temmuz 2011) Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), yeni gemiler The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) mevcut gemiler 400 GT dan büyük tüm gemiler için 1 Ocak 2013 ten itibaren geçerli

12 Enerji Verimliliği ve Emisyon Regülasyonları
Let me give you an idea of how measures progress through the IMO machinery. Any IMO Member State can propose a new regulation or amendment to existing one. It might arise from an incident, or simply from an idea or technical development. The Member State first puts its proposal to the relevant IMO Committee. The Committee would then discuss the proposal and, if it was considered to have merit, might decide to refer it to a sub-committee for more detailed consideration. For more complex issues, a working group or correspondence group might be established to work on the issue at an even more intense technical level. After appropriate discussion in these fora, a detailed draft – whether it for a new measure, an amendment to an existing measure, a code of practice, guidelines or a circular – is drawn up, ready for consideration and approval at the appropriate level. This explains the process in the simplest of terms. Depending on the complexity of the issue, some measures can be quickly agreed and adopted while others require more time. IMO member states undertake to put into practice the measures they develop and adopt at IMO. That is why the Organization always aims to adopt measures by consensus as this way ensures the widest possible implementation by the member states.

13 Teknik ve Operasyonel Önlemler
Let me give you an idea of how measures progress through the IMO machinery. Any IMO Member State can propose a new regulation or amendment to existing one. It might arise from an incident, or simply from an idea or technical development. The Member State first puts its proposal to the relevant IMO Committee. The Committee would then discuss the proposal and, if it was considered to have merit, might decide to refer it to a sub-committee for more detailed consideration. For more complex issues, a working group or correspondence group might be established to work on the issue at an even more intense technical level. After appropriate discussion in these fora, a detailed draft – whether it for a new measure, an amendment to an existing measure, a code of practice, guidelines or a circular – is drawn up, ready for consideration and approval at the appropriate level. This explains the process in the simplest of terms. Depending on the complexity of the issue, some measures can be quickly agreed and adopted while others require more time. IMO member states undertake to put into practice the measures they develop and adopt at IMO. That is why the Organization always aims to adopt measures by consensus as this way ensures the widest possible implementation by the member states.

14 Let me give you an idea of how measures progress through the IMO machinery.
Any IMO Member State can propose a new regulation or amendment to existing one. It might arise from an incident, or simply from an idea or technical development. The Member State first puts its proposal to the relevant IMO Committee. The Committee would then discuss the proposal and, if it was considered to have merit, might decide to refer it to a sub-committee for more detailed consideration. For more complex issues, a working group or correspondence group might be established to work on the issue at an even more intense technical level. After appropriate discussion in these fora, a detailed draft – whether it for a new measure, an amendment to an existing measure, a code of practice, guidelines or a circular – is drawn up, ready for consideration and approval at the appropriate level. This explains the process in the simplest of terms. Depending on the complexity of the issue, some measures can be quickly agreed and adopted while others require more time. IMO member states undertake to put into practice the measures they develop and adopt at IMO. That is why the Organization always aims to adopt measures by consensus as this way ensures the widest possible implementation by the member states.

15 EEDı: Enerji Verimliliği Dizayn İndeksi
Interim Guidelines for New Ships(MEPC.1/Circ.681)

16 EEDI nedir ?

17 Referans Hattı- Hedef EEDI

18 Gemide Enerji Tüketimi
Use of propulsion energy on board a cargo ship, head sea, Beaufort 6 EEDI; Enerji Verimliliği Dizayn İndeksi

19 Enerji Tüketicileri Yardımcı makinalar Kazan Cargo ısıtma İticiler
Kargo pompaları Elektrik dağıtım panosu Kargo donanımı Balast Pompaları Soğutma Atık ısı geri kazanım Şaft motoru Şaft jeneratörü Ana makine pompaları Şaft gücü Ana makinalar Otel hizmetleri

20 Teknik ve Operasyonel Önlemler
Let me give you an idea of how measures progress through the IMO machinery. Any IMO Member State can propose a new regulation or amendment to existing one. It might arise from an incident, or simply from an idea or technical development. The Member State first puts its proposal to the relevant IMO Committee. The Committee would then discuss the proposal and, if it was considered to have merit, might decide to refer it to a sub-committee for more detailed consideration. For more complex issues, a working group or correspondence group might be established to work on the issue at an even more intense technical level. After appropriate discussion in these fora, a detailed draft – whether it for a new measure, an amendment to an existing measure, a code of practice, guidelines or a circular – is drawn up, ready for consideration and approval at the appropriate level. This explains the process in the simplest of terms. Depending on the complexity of the issue, some measures can be quickly agreed and adopted while others require more time. IMO member states undertake to put into practice the measures they develop and adopt at IMO. That is why the Organization always aims to adopt measures by consensus as this way ensures the widest possible implementation by the member states.

21 Entegre Önlemler

22 Değişik operasyon tipleri

23 Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Mekaniği (CFD) Model Deneyleri (Towing Tank)
No bulbous bow Loaded Ballast Bulbous bow

24 Tekne Form Dizaynı Model-scale, Re=1E7 Full-scale, Re=1E9

25 CFD – Hava direnci

26 CFD - Takıntılar

27 Sevk verimi arttırıcı önlemler
Mewis duct Propeller Cap Turbine Simplified compensating Nozzle

28 Sevk verimi arttırıcı önlemler
Twisted Fin Boss cap

29 Sevk verimi arttırıcı önlemler

30 Pervane Değişimi CONTRAROTATING

31 Hava yağlama

32 Hava yağlama Mikrokabarcık Hava filmi Hava kavitesi

33 Hava yağlama

34 Hava yağlama

35 Dynamik Enerji Simulasyonları

36 Enerji Denetimi (Energy Audit)
Exhaust gas outlet of M/E to T/C No.1 Exhaust gas outlet of M/E to T/C No.2

37 Click to edit Yenilenebilir Enerji Kullanımı
Gemilerde Yenilenebilir Enerji Uygulamaları Click to edit Yenilenebilir Enerji Kullanımı

38 Rüzgar desteği Rigid Wing Sail Flettner Rotor

39 Yelken desteği (Dynarig)
Ecoliner Maltese Falcon


41 Yaşam döngisi analizi (hava şartları, fouling)

42 Şaft güç ölçümü PS: Shaft power Q: Shaft torque moment
n: Shaft rate of revolution

43 Shaft power measurement : Effect of Paint

44 Pervane devir etkisi

45 Pervane değişim etkisi

46 Filomuz hakkında anket çalışması
92 gemilik özellikle büyük gemilerin oluşturduğu anket çalışması gerçekleştirildi (2014) % 100 International Energy Efficiency Certificate %100 Shipboard Energy Efficency Management Plan (SEEMP) % 97 Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) hesaplıyor % 32 Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) hesabı var % 32 Energy Audit Yaptırmış % 33 ISO veya ISO sertifikalı % 100 Planlı Bakım Sistemi kullanıyor 77 % bu planı enerji verimliliği için kullanıyor

47 Hız % 44 kargo durumuna göre hız belirliyor
% 55 yakıt ekonomisine göre hız belirliyor % 22 minimum yakıt masrafına göre hız belirliyor % 44 liman durumuna göre hız belirliyor (just in time)

48 Yakıt Tüketimi % 11 bunker kayıtları % 66 günlük tank hacüm ölçümü
% 44 flowmetre

49 Şaft güç ölçüm % 11 izlemiyor % 74 elektronik makine indikatörleri
% 2 şaft torkmetre

50 Operasyonel Enerji Tasarrufu Potansiyel(Routing/cleaning)
% 38 trim optimizasyonu % 98 hava durumuna göre rota (weather routing) % 88 kaptan kararı % 57 merkez ofis kararı % 64 dış kaynaklı servis % 62 tekne temızliği (hull cleaning) % 52 pervane temizleme (propeller cleaning) % 12 pervane boyası (propeller painting)

51 Operasyonel Enerji Tasarrufu Potansiyel (propulsion)
% 2 Enerji tasarrufu duct retrofit % 73 economiser/exhaust boiler % 14 Hull temizleme % 17.4 rpm-pitch kombinatörü (combinator mode) % 41 şaft jeneratörü % 62 hız azaltımı (speed reduction) % 98 düşük sülfür yakıt for ECA/SECA

52 Operasyonel Enerji Tasarrufu Potansiyel (kullanılmayan)
% 0 yenilenebilir enerji % 0 LNG yakıt kullanımı % 0 sahilden enerji (cold ironing) % 0 pervane değişimi

53 ARGE-FİNANSMAN ? Kara endüstrisinde finansman var
Otomotiv, savunma sanayi, üretim teknolojisinde ARGE destekleri var Deniz sektöründe yok gibi

54 Teşekkürler Mustafa Insel :

"Prof.Dr.Mustafa İnsel 11-3-2015 Eko Gemiler Prof.Dr.Mustafa İnsel 11-3-2015." indir ppt

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